Virtual Sac Century is a Success!

  Rotary Meeting: October 13, 2020   The fall air was crisp and clear outside our Zoom screen boxes as PRESIDENT KEVIN SMITH-FAGAN (Executive Director of Fairytale Town) brought our meeting to order in celebration of the successful Sac Century Challenge which raised $108,000 for the Sacramento Children’s Home Crisis Nursery.   PRESIDENT KEVIN asked […]

A Visit With Our District Governor

  Rotary Meeting: September 22, 2020   Our meeting kicked off with a special musical presentation by WILLIAM SHUBB (Judge for U.S. District Court) as a welcome to DISTRICT GOVERNOR BRENT HASTEY. WILLIAM graced us all with an amazing medley of 1920’s songs performed on his ukulele. Aloha BRENT and welcome!   CLICK HERE to […]

An Update on Raley’s and the State of Retail Grocery in the Pandemic

  Rotary Meeting: September 15, 2020   PRESIDENT KEVIN (Executive Director for Fairytale Town) noted that 45 years ago last week, on Monday, September 5th, 1974, former President Gerald R. Ford visited Sacramento. President Ford was a longtime Rotarian and stayed at the Senator Hotel, where Eddie Mulligan, our Club Secretary, would have been in […]

Dr. Ami Bera Provides An Update On The State of Sacramento

Rotary Meeting September 1, 2020 PRESIDENT KEVIN SMITH-FAGAN (Executive Director of Fairytale Town) provided a musical alternative as an opening to the meeting by encouraging fellow Rotarians to name 10 songs that have a September reference. Looks like we all have a creative mind here, as we were easily able to accomplish this! Give these […]

A Visit with Mayor Steinberg

    PRESIDENT KEVIN SMITH-FAGAN (Executive Director of Fairytale Town) called the meeting to order, noting that it is currently Wizard of Oz day at Fairytale Town, which makes him Mayor of the Munchkin City and the Land of Oz. A magical start to our meeting! Polio has been eradicated in Africa, through the leadership […]

The Ride, Run, Walk, Skip of the Century

      This week’s meeting opened with a surprise rendition of Sweet Virus Time, set to the musical stylings of Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline. This stunning performance was given by ELFRENA FOORD (Foord, Van Bruggen, & Pajak) and FORMER PRESIDENT DICK OSEN and was a lovely reminder to us all to propel California forward […]

Stinger’s Up – A Visit with CSUS President Dr. Robert M. Nelsen

      PRESIDENT KEVIN (Executive Director of Fairytale Town) calls the meeting to order and welcomes our guest speaker, DR. ROBERT M. NELSEN. DR. NELSEN’S review of Sacramento State’s accomplishments and goals is truly inspiring.   ALLISON CAGLEY (Sergeant in Arms) (Friends of Sacramento Arts) introduced our guest ELLEN DAHL, WALTER DAHL’S (Dahl Law, […]

In An Age of Disinformation, Misinformation and Fake News – How Do We Keep Local News Alive?

  In the words of Aretha Franklin: Who’s Zoomin’ Who?   PRESIDENT KEVIN (Executive Director of Fairytale Town) virtually gaveled the meeting to order introducing participants while heckling WALTER DAHL’S (Dahl Law, Attorneys At Law) cartoon voice, recapping his recent camping trip, praising TOM BACON’S (BCRE – Bacon Commercial Real Estate) golf game, and confirming […]


    ALLISON CAGLEY (Friends of Sacramento Arts) offered welcome to the following guests: Jennifer Martindill, of Cambria Solutions: Information and Technology Services; Lea Miller, CEO -Habitat for Humanity, guest of PAST PRESIDENT SUSAN SHERIDEN; Jud Riggs, Manager of Teichert, guests of PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR FRED and NANCY TEICHERT.   JAMIE FURLONG (Bangerter Financial Services) […]

A Primer on Education in the Midst of a Pandemic  

      Sporting a Rotary baseball cap, President Kevin Smith-Fagan (Executive Director of Fairytale Town) opened the meeting with enthusiasm for the opening of Major League Baseball with the San Francisco Giants playing the Los Angeles Dodgers.     President Elect Bob Miller (First U.S. Credit Union) dressed in his Dodgers cap, shirt and […]