President Jim began by thanking Rotary’s own heroes: Latoya, Barbara, and Sulaf who have single-handedly kept our club going throughout the COVID-19 Stay-At-Home Order. Jim Leet (Boutin Jones, Inc.) pushed enter and Rotary’s first virtual meeting began. Jim quoted the Greek Philosopher Heraclitus and noted that “There is nothing permanent except change.” Those words especially ring true today in our socially distant world.
Rivkah Sass (The Sacramento Public Library) provided our thought for the day. Rivkah has a more worldly perspective as she recently returned from a Syrian Refugee Camp. Rivkah looked to Madame (Marie) Curie (The First Woman To Win The Nobel Prize In Physics). For our Thought For The Day:
“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less.”
Past President Wes Yee (Yee Dental Care) provided a tribute for Skip Lawrence who recently passed away. Skip was a wonderful friend to us all and will be greatly missed. Skip had a remarkable life far beyond his dental practice. He attended Stanford University on a baseball scholarship. He played second base and was recruited by professional baseball teams. Skip was a true Rotarion whose entire life was devoted to service for others.
President Jim Then Reviewed The Club Announcements:
Compassion Committee Reporter Steve Huffman reminded us that many Rotarians in the high risk groups and up may need help. Please let Steve know of any Rotarians that may be effected by this Order to Remain Home and are in need.
President Elect’s Report: Kevin Smith-Fagan (Fairytale Town) is excited about the slate of speakers in process for next year. He is interested in a speaker idea or suggestion that you may have. Kevin indicates that he may take Rotary meetings on the Road next year and meet offsite. Ideas for interesting locations would be appreciated. One idea was the new Sacramento Community Theatre when it re-opens. Kevin is a true innovator and is considering occasional magical interludes at future meetings.
Ray Ward, the Rotary District Governor noted that the District Awards Dinner is postponed. He indicated that when held the dinner will have a Hawaiian Luau Theme when held.
Our own Kathy Herrfeldt (Home Care Assistance) provided a very timely discussion of the options, consideration and COVID-19 challenges to home health care. Assistance can be provided for virtually any task that needs to be done, beyond simply health care.
Kathy has one mission is “To Change The Way That The World Ages”. Tune in next week as Rotary visits the Nile. Our speaker is a member of the Egyptian Parliament who will be discussing Diversity.