Aggie Square Coming to Town

The expansive generosity of Rotarians was on full display at our October 30 luncheon, through the numerous examples of our club’s good work throughout the community. Meeting Sponsor Past President Dave Cohen (Cohen-Durrett, LLP) generously donated his time to Don and Dawn Nahhas, founders of Josh’s Heart, Inc. This organization was created in memory of […]

Ballot Initiatives in the Upcoming Election

In just two short weeks we will have the privilege of going to the ballot box to make our voices heard in the upcoming mid-term election. With that in mind, President Diane Woodruff convened the weekly luncheon. Diane informed the club of the passing of longtime member Ken Stieger and a moment of silence was […]

Club Pedals to Triumph Thanks to Plethora of Volunteers

The 2018 Sacramento Century was a resounding success – netting over $100,000 to help children in need. Under the enthusiastic leadership of President Diane Woodruff and event co-chairs Susan Sheridan and Roy Alexander, the event attracted 1,100 cyclists and grossed over $220,000.   After expenses, over $100,000 is headed to the Crisis Nursery program at […]

Concerts, Conventions and Cuisine

President Diane Woodruff convened a packed, energetic luncheon. Luann Richardson (Re/Max Gold) dedicated her Thought for the Day in honor of club legend Mead Kibbey, who died recently. It’s not your epitaph that matters, she said, but what you did during your life for others. Elfrena Foord (Foord, Van Bruggen & Pajak) introduced new club member […]

Sacramento’s Business Climate

President Diane rang in the meeting at 12:10pm. Neil MacMullan (FARO Consulting Solutions) offered a Thought for the Day encouraging us to seize the day (which we, as Rotarians, embraced and got busy doing). The club observed a moment of silence in honor of long-standing and stalwart member Mead Kibbey following his recent passing. Past Emperor […]

Arts as an Economic Driver!

President Diane welcomed Rotarians to the meeting and thanked Mark Luhdorff (ANPAC Bio) for his piano music; greeters Sylvia Fitzgerald (Art Appraisals & Estate Services), Cameron Law (Social Venture Partners) and Julie Sherry (Watson Roofing); Pulse reporter Linda Geery (Gilbert & Co.); and wine reception host Horace Wulff. Dick Osen offered the thought for the […]

In Defense of the Press

President Diane the Magnificent convened the meeting and saluted the triumphant softball team for bringing the championship trophy back home. Brad Towne (Law Offices of Bradley S. Towne) honored his late father, Ed Towne.  Ed passed on June 14, and Brad’s eulogy included highlights of his dad’s life and his dad’s love for Rotary.  Ed […]

Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce!

The new CEO of the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, Amanda Blackwood, headlined the club meeting of August 21. Opening the proceedings, Patrick Furlong (Legacy 1031 Exchange Solutions), shared an inspirational Thought for the Day about “why do we stay in Rotary for life”? We stay young by being optimistic and involved, and Rotary is […]


Sacramento State isn’t just located here. It’s Sacramento’s university. So proclaimed school President Dr. Robert Nelsen, who ticked off an impressive list of Hornet accomplishments in his speech at the club’s August 14 meeting. Meeting Sponsor Linda Geery (Gilbert & Associates) donated her time to Alliance for Education Solutions, represented by Charles Carter. AES advocates […]


A great crowd was on hand to welcome Mayor Darrell Steinberg to the club’s weekly luncheon. Arriving club members were greeted to the melodic piano sounds of Mark Luhdorff (ANPAC Bio), and the building was alive with the hard work of Todd Andrews (Andrews Construction, Inc.) and team as we prepare for the best Sac […]