Brazil, Bungee, Burlesque, Blood, and Blitzing!

It was a boisterous time at the weekly club luncheon, but it began on a somber note. President Diane Woodruff shared the sad news that longtime club member Bob Gaines had passed away. The club observed a moment of silence in his honor. Services for Bob will be held on February 24 at 3pm at […]

Redevelopment Sacramento Style!

From Cupid undies to Olympic softball to fortune cookies, it was just another routine club luncheon under the refined leadership of President Diane Woodruff. Meeting sponsor Amanda Merz of SAFE Credit Union provided an upbeat presentation about SAFE’s deep involvement in the community. SAFE supports veterans and financial education in the community including high school […]

DNA & Genealogy Revolutionizes How Crimes Are Solved

After being introduced by Chair of the Day Brian Turner (Law Office of Brian H. Turner), Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert, a life-long Sacramentan, started off her talk with recognizing the important Rotary theme – Service Above Self – and how that reflects her work and the work of her department.  The DA’s office […]


President Diane Woodruff welcomed all to the strains of Kool and the Gang’s “Celebration,” and gaveled the meeting to order at 12:09 pm. She reminded us that Rotary was started to do good in the world and encouraged us to do so. President Diane led the club through the Pledge of Allegiance and then encouraged […]

Daughters Day Magic!

One of the club’s happiest and most treasured traditions was renewed at the club’s annual Daughters Day celebration. President Diane called the meeting to order and immediately handed the gavel to Amaya Barnes, granddaughter of Steve Heath. Amaya’s first task was to introduce the talented trio from Sacramento Youth Symphony who had serenaded guests in […]

Mead, and Mead!

  The December 11 meeting served as the club’s Annual Meeting, and as such, current Board members and officers were introduced and thanked for their hard work throughout the year. President Diane Woodruff presented Jim Leet (Boutin Jones) with his official President-Elect pin; he takes over on July 1. Past President Diane Mizell announced the […]

Foundation Day!

The December 4th meeting was Foundation Day! We distributed our annual report which reminds us of the tremendous impact, both in dollars and services, we gave to the Sacramento area and for international projects. The result of the Big Game (Stanford and Cal) was on the minds of more than a few Rotarians. President Diane […]

Cars and More from Rick Niello!

Once again, we had a great turnout with the undertone of the Big Game (Stanford and Cal) on the minds of more than a few Rotarians. President Diane asked for a moment of silence for former club member Dick James and his wife Kris, who passed away in a plane accident on November 17. Memorial […]

Connection Creates Hope, and Hope Saves Lives!

The November 13 club lunch featured a presentation on the importance of caring support for those contemplating suicide. Guest speaker David Woods Bartley, who nearly took his own life in 2011, gave a moving talk about his journey back from the brink. His co-presenter Judy Nelsen, mother of a young man who took his own […]

Play Every Day!

Welcome: President Diane Woodruff gaveled the meeting into being at 12:10pm, noting that our club, “the oldest, biggest and best Rotary Club in our region,” had been recognized with an award at the recent Rotary Foundation Dinner. Thought for the Day: Steve Huffman shared observations relating to the anticipated presentation of TV guy ‘Rob on […]