Talking Business

  It was an action-packed club luncheon with a big focus on the generosity of club members and the club’s philanthropy, followed by far-ranging comments by the head of the state Chamber of Commerce Allan Zaremberg. David Brandenburger (Newmark Knight Frank) was the meeting sponsor and he graciously donated his time to Dr. Darice Goodman, […]

Young Professionals Lead!

  The April 23 luncheon was “overtaken” by the club’s Young Professionals chapter (Rotarians under 40). President Diane recognized the Young Professionals for their commitment to Rotary ideals and dedication to service above self, then introduced President for the day Jamie Furlong (Legacy Investment Real Estate). Jamie thanked the club for welcoming YP members and […]

A Hopping Good Meeting

President Diane Woodruff greeted us with Easter Bunny ears as she welcomed KVIE’s Rob Stewart (star of “Rob on the Road”) for a very inspirational presentation. Meeting sponsor Joel Hockman (Pucci’s Pharmacy) described the personal services offered at Pucci’s Pharmacy. April Javist (Sacramento Public Library Foundation) described the history of the library system and the […]

Dynamic Developments

  The dynamic happenings in Sacramento construction were the focus of the day, as President Diane Woodruff and the club welcomed back commercial developer Mike Heller for his insights. Up front, meeting sponsor Ruth Tesar (Northern California PET Imaging) donated her three minutes to the Albie Aware Breast Cancer Foundation. Executive Director Amanda Nelson outlined […]

Rails, Rotary and the Region

    The Bell was rung and President Diane Woodruff welcomed everyone to the Rotary Club of Sacramento. Judy Daru (JA Collins Properties) was the sponsor of the day and she graciously provided her time to Jim Martinez from the Roseville Jazz Festival. The festival will be May 25 and 26 in downtown Roseville. John […]


  President Diane Woodruff brought the March 26, 2019 meeting of the “Oldest, Biggest, and Best” Rotary Club, our Rotary Club of Sacramento, to order with a change in format to accommodate the busy schedule of our Speaker of the Day, Matina Kolokotronis. Chair of the Day, Jeanne Reaves (Jeanne Reaves Consulting) kicked off Tuesday’s […]

Irish Eyes Were Smiling for the “Wearin’ of the Green”

President Diane Woodruff was the club’s official Leprechaun, welcoming everyone with her jaunty hat and full beard honoring St. Patrick’s Day!  Diane proudly stated she has actually kissed the Blarney Stone and opened the weekly club luncheon with a corny Irish joke. After President Diane thanked Elfrena Foord (Foord, Van Bruggen & Pajak) for the […]

Ski Bums, Dive Bars, and Banana Slugs

President Diane Woodruff convened the March 12 edition of the best Rotary club in sight. Meeting sponsor Past President Dan McVeigh (Downey Brand) donated his time to the Exodus Project. Program advocate Rabbi Seth Castleman described the Exodus Project and outlined how the program helps female prisoners leaving jail to get settled and start a […]


President Diane Woodruff gaveled the meeting to order at 12:09 pm with a hearty “Aloha!” She reminded us that the Rotary Club of Sacramento was the region’s oldest, biggest, and best club in our region, supplying an image of a District Award. We can discuss later how we feel about being the “oldest” club… She […]

Tee Up the Golf Meeting

    Past President extraordinaire, Jon Snyder ably filled in for vacationing President Diane Woodruff. Lev Kaganovich (energy consulting) provided a timely and heartfelt thought for the day. Recognizing his family’s 40 years in the USA, Lev spoke of his early years living in Russia and the lack of personal freedoms and free press. In […]