The April 23 luncheon was “overtaken” by the club’s Young Professionals chapter (Rotarians under 40). President Diane recognized the Young Professionals for their commitment to Rotary ideals and dedication to service above self, then introduced President for the day Jamie Furlong (Legacy Investment Real Estate). Jamie thanked the club for welcoming YP members and encouraged all to recruit more folks up-and-coming in their careers and civic development.
Meeting Sponsor Chris Ann Bachtel donated her time to the Salvation Army (SA), represented by Major Ivan Wild. The SA was the beneficiary of the club’s recent Dive Bar event, generating $4,600 for its construction school job-training program. Ivan shared a KCRA news clip about the training program and expressed the agency’s appreciation..
President Jamie presented Margo Fowkes (On-Target Business Consulting) with a Paul Harris pin on behalf of President Diane. As chair of the Membership Committee, Margo has helped welcome 25 new members to the club this year, and she championed the initial effort to create the Young Professionals group.
Announcements and Acknowledgments
. Jackie Kirkwood (Goodwin-Cole Company) invited all to attend a districtwide meal packing event on 5/17 from 1:00-7:00 p.m. at the Rusch Park Community Center, benefiting Together We Rise Against Hunger.
. Assistant District Governor Joe Shymer announced that District scholarships are now available for outbound students, and for the first time, for inbound students (at Sacramento State University). The Peace Fellowship (award amount: $75,000) is also open for applications.
. Golf For Kids on May 6 is still open for players, Bob Miller (First US Credit Union) reminded, and thanked all who have sponsored and/or donated raffle items. If you are coming only for dinner, please arrive by 4:30pm.
President Jamie invited Margo Fowkes to donate in honor of her feature play in April Style Magazine. Margo contributed $100 to her Eddie Mulligan as well as $100 to President Diane’s Eddie Mulligan.
Todd Andrews (Andrews Construction) introduced the club to his first grandchild, Theodore (Teo) and donated $100 to both his Eddie Mulligan and Paul Harris.
Callie Setzer (Setzer Forest Products) fined her father Jeff Setzer for dawdling in finishing selling her mother’s old Jaguar. Jeff donated $100 each to his and to Callie’s Eddie Mulligan but defended himself by blaming the DMV. Callie donated $100 in honor of her dad for being her inspiration.
In honor of college acceptance season, Nikki Wardlaw (College Track) fined President Diane $25 for not celebrating her USC connection enough. President Diane also donated $100 to Jamie Furlong’s Paul Harris.
Patrick Furlong donated $250 to Jamie Furlong’s Eddie Mulligan.
Virginia Varela (Golden Pacific Bank) recognized the “Youth Brigade” from Golden Pacific Bank who represented at today’s meeting, and donated $100 on behalf of each of them.
Steve Huffman became a Teacher with a $100 donation.
Lunch speaker Dr. Ernesto Sirolli, Founder & CEO of the Sirolli Institute for Enterprise Facilitation, shared some of his lessons working in international aid. His experience presenting a regional Ted Talk in 2015 resulted in viral exposure of 3.5 million views and translation into 35 languages for his advice to simply “Shut Up and Listen,” in place of assuming one’s own expertise in any particular arena. Today, the Sirolli Institute has worked with over 400 communities around the world. Dr. Sirolli left the club with some of his best advice for his students and clients: “Only do what you love, and surround yourself with people who love to do what you hate!”
The day’s wine sponsors were Maggie Hopkins (Premier Lending), Jaena Nakagawa, Bindu Jaduram (Tri Counties Bank) and Gerry Dabi (Golden Pacific Bank). Piano was played by Mark Luhdorff (ANPAC Bio).
Danny Gemma (HUB international) made a playlist for the lunch, but technical difficulties thwarted the playback at the luncheon. The door greeters were Chris Boessenecker (Golden Pacific Bank), Elena Naderi and Todd Koolakian (Sacramento Children’s Home). Grant Bledsoe (Three Oaks Capital Management) provided the Thought for the Day. Chair for the Day was Cameron Law (Social Venture Partners of Sacramento). Sergeants-At-Arms were Jackie Kirkwood (Goodwin-Cole Company) and Callie Setzer (Setzer Forest Products). Pulse reporting was taken by Danielle McGarrity (Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento). Thanks to Nikki Wardlaw (College Track) and Mike Bullington for their photography.