Pulse for the Week of January 28th , 2025

“Get ready to hit the road” by Christie Holderegger President Bobby Reed kicked off the travel-themed meeting by welcoming the club to public television station PBS KVIE, the meeting host, and thanking Nancy Teichert for facilitating today’s meeting. In Elfrena Foord’s Thought of the Day on the enriching value of travel, she quoted the Dalai […]

Pulse for the Week of January 14th , 2025

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and upcoming MLK Day, President Bobby Reed blasted the U2 hit “In the Name of Love” as our convening music. Bill Wygant’s Thought for the Day featured a pearl of wisdom from Albert Einstein, “Try not to be a man of success, instead try to be a […]

Pulse for the Week of January 7th, 2025

The first Rotary meeting of 2025 kicked off with President Bobby Reed showing a video from his December service trip to Nandyala India with Rotoplast International. Rotoplast is an independent nonprofit that started out as a service project of the Rotary Club of San Francisco, and, nearly 30 years later, has provided more than 21,000 […]

Pulse for the Week of December 17th, 2024

Daughters Day, a longstanding holiday tradition for our club, unfolded in full Yuletide glory this week. As is custom, the daughters control the proceedings. So President Bobby Reed called the meeting to order and immediately handed the gavel to the day’s president Ella Keefer, Loyola Chicago sophomore and daughter of PEN Paul Keefer. President Ella […]

Pulse for the Week of December 10th, 2024

Holiday music summoned our members to the tables on Tuesday. Yes, next meeting is Daughters Day so be sure and RSVP because you know your children and grandchildren are writing to Santa Claus. More about flying objects later. PP Walter Dahl filled in for President Bobby Reed, who is on a service mission to India. […]

Pulse for the Week of December 3rd, 2024

The Rotary Club was convened by Past President Kevin Smith-Fagan, filling in for President Bobby Reed, who was on a Rotary Service Trip to India. Dee Johnson’s Thought for the Day featured quotes exalting wine — which has been around since at least 7,000 BCE. Historically it was a status symbol of kings and rulers, […]

Pulse for the Week of November 19th, 2024

“Paul and Eddie’s Impact” by Christie Holderegger It was the club’s annual Foundation Day, and president Bobby Reed welcomed club members and guests to this special Rotary meeting held at CLARA Studios – and he set a tone of gratitude as we kickoff the holiday season of giving. In his Thought of the Day, PP […]

Pulse for the Week of November 5th , 2024

As America went to the polls on Election Day, President Bobby Reed called upon the Rotary Club of Sacramento to resolve “critical issues of national security.” And that’s how we narrowly decided, in a polarized electorate reflecting national norms, that the egg preceded the chicken. (The club also determined the Kings’ biggest rival is the […]

Pulse for the Week of October 29th , 2024

It was Halloween Week at the Rotary Club of Sacramento, and among the colorful costumes were Wonder Woman, Miss Piggy, The Grinch, a chocolate bar, football and hockey players, and a dalmatian in the person of President Bobby Reed. President Bobby gave awards to some costumed attendees. Worst costume: PP John Frisch (commercial real estate […]

Pulse for the Week of October 22nd , 2024

“There is a lot of pride in Sacramento,” said luncheon speaker Todd Dunivant of Sacramento Republic FC, talking both about his team’s fan base and our region in general. Matching the sports theme for the meeting, Jackie Kirkland offered a thought of the day about success and sports. Success in sports is about grit, not […]