The meeting opened to the strains of The Pointer Sisters’ “We Are Family.” President Jim Leet (Boutin Jones) gaveled the meeting to order to begin the fun.

President Jim began by thanking the following persons:

  • Pre-meeting piano: Elfrena Foord (Foord, Van Bruggen, & Pajak)
  • Greeters: Steve Horton (UCP of Sacramento and Northern California) and Dan Fenocchio (Cunningham Engineering)
  • Pulse Reporter: John McIntyre (Mercy Foundation)
  • Photography: John Swentowsky (Swentowsky Photography)
  • Wine Reception: Skip Lawrence

Thought for the Day/Invocation

Judy Kjelstrom (UC Davis), in keeping with the Delta Water theme, spoke to the importance of water to all life.


Sergeant-At-Arms Extraordinaire John Wood (McGee & Thielen Insurance Brokers) introduced our guests:

  • Guests of Rotarians: Sharon Snyder, guest of Miles Snyder.
  • Visiting Rotarians: Hanns Haesslein from the Passport Club, and Asst. District Governor Dave Veden from the Natomas Club
  • Prospective Members: Debbie Larkin, guest of Darlene Hailey
  • Prospective Young Rotarians: Hannah Peskin, guest of Cameron Law (Social Ventures Partners of Sacramento), Eva Zhou, guest of Jamie Furlong (Legacy Investment Real Estate), and Sarah Hodge, guest of Margo Fowkes (OnTarget Consulting, Inc.)

Meeting Sponsor

Dr. Barbara Arnold (Barbara J. Arnold MD Inc.). Dr. Arnold is an accomplished artist and shared her passion for the Delta. Barbara provided a tour of the Delta through her paintings. She described the family histories for many of the properties in her paintings and the need to protect this delicate environment.

Introduction of New Member

Gerry Dabi (Golden Pacific Bank) introduced new member Amanda Nelson, Executive Director, Albie Aware Breast Cancer Foundation, who was welcomed to the club by President Jim Leet. Amanda was sponsored by Tina Reynolds (Uptown Studios) & Margo Fowkes



Club Announcements

  • Jackie Kirkwood (Goodwin-Cole Company) announced that Aug. 31 at 9am she and as many Rotarians as are willing to join her (and who’ll respond to the call of coffee and donuts) at the Children Receiving Home to paint a fence there. Let’s do this for these kids in Rotary fellowship – report to 3555 Auburn Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95821 at 9am on Aug. 31!
  • Callee Setzer (Setzer Forest Products) announced Brown Bag Day – September 10th – and she is looking for Rotarians willing to host at their place of business!
  • Todd Andrews (Andrews Construction) wants others to join him on the American River Bike Trail to cajole, wheedle, and persuade cyclists to participate in the Sac Century Bike Ride on October 5th. Watch for his email and respond with a yes!

Let’s Go on A Journey!

  • Kathe Nathan (Merchants Bank of Commerce) rose to honor her father on the occasion of his 93rd birthday
  • Jim Phillips stood to acknowledge his son John’s recent hole-in-one on the 6th hole at a course in Cabo San Lucas!
  • Dan McVeigh (Downey Brand LLP) rose to honor the memory of Monsignor Brenda O’Sullivan, who recently passed at 88.
  • Fred Teichert (Teichert Foundation) shared that he and Nancy had recently attended a Downey family reunion in Laramie, WY, and honored the memory of ancestor Stephen Downey, who is widely recognized as the “Father of the University of Wyoming” and a source of pride for Fred and clan.
  • Judy Payne thanked the club for keeping her seat warm while she recovered from challenges including a broken femur, and then acknowledged her son who recently climbed Denali.


Rotary Fellowship

President Jim decreed 15 minutes of luminous chat among Rotarians

Chair of the Day: Shirlee Tully (Capital Public Radio) provided an introduction for speaker Randy Fiorini, including that she had been his “landlady” when he first moved to town and needed a rental, and that on his 16th birthday Randy passed his aircraft piloting test but failed his driving test. It really is safer to fly…


Randy Fiorini, Vice Chair of the Delta Stewardship Council

Randy reviewed his nine years with the Delta Stewardship Council, including five years as chair (currently vice chair), and cited the sobering challenges faced by the Council and by the Delta. He noted that Sacramento is at the northern edge of the Delta and that the region faces “complex, wicked challenges,” including huge variability of precipitation made more complicated and unpredictable by the clear impact of climate change. The Delta is a central hub of water delivery throughout the state. His photos and metric displays supported his points.

Randy underscored several key takeaways:

  • The Delta’s challenges are both direct and indirect results of past policy decisions over the past century or more
  • As we look ahead, the only certainty is uncertainty
  • Any resolution to the Delta’s thorny issues will require tradeoffs, and trust
  • The Council’s comprehensive approach includes a reliance on science to

increase likelihood of successes, attempting to reduce the state’s reliance on the Delta, and developing a “portfolio” approach to water management.

In his presentation, which covered a topic that impacts all of us, Randy provided helpful insights and also the reassurance that smart, dedicated people are doing their best to protect the Delta.

Next Meeting

Join us August 6, 2019 at The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church

Speaker/Topic:  Tatyana Bak, CEO of Elica Health Centers