Arts as an Economic Driver!

President Diane welcomed Rotarians to the meeting and thanked Mark Luhdorff (ANPAC Bio) for his piano music; greeters Sylvia Fitzgerald (Art Appraisals & Estate Services), Cameron Law (Social Venture Partners) and Julie Sherry (Watson Roofing); Pulse reporter Linda Geery (Gilbert & Co.); and wine reception host Horace Wulff. Dick Osen offered the thought for the […]

In Defense of the Press

President Diane the Magnificent convened the meeting and saluted the triumphant softball team for bringing the championship trophy back home. Brad Towne (Law Offices of Bradley S. Towne) honored his late father, Ed Towne.  Ed passed on June 14, and Brad’s eulogy included highlights of his dad’s life and his dad’s love for Rotary.  Ed […]