Rotary Meeting: September 21, 2021
It’s beginning to feel like a “big game day” with the Sac Century Challenge only two weeks away! PRESIDENT BOB MILLER (VP & Business Service Manager / First US Community Credit Union) sported the cool bicycle jersey as did DAVID BRANDENBURGER (Real Estate Brokerage). PAST PRESIDENT SUSAN SHERIDAN (Retired law) had her clip board in hand to sign up needed volunteers for the ride.

PRESIDENT BOB thanked ELFRENA FOORD (Financial Planning) for piano music. Members were welcomed by DEE HARTZOG (Retired, Weintraub Genshlea Ohediak), BRUCE HESTER (Retired Colliers International) and MAGGIE HOPKINS (Realtor with Capital Premier Lending & Premier Realty). PRESIDENT BOB also hosted the wine reception with pouring done by KEVIN WILLIAMS (KVIE).

BILL SHUBB (Judge with the U.S. District Court) gave the invocation by noting that Friday was Constitution Day celebrating the ratification of our country’s rule of law. In the U.S. the government gets its limited power from the people instead of the government granting rights to the people. He quoted Abraham Lincoln as saying the constitution is the “political religion of nation.”

Tuesday’s meeting was sponsored by PAST PRESIDENT DIANE WOODRUFF (Retired Chancellor of California Community Colleges) who donated her speaking time to NANCY SMITH-FAGAN (International Bird Rescue).

International Bird Rescue is a nonprofit group that rescues sea birds along the Pacific Flyway migrating route from oil spills such as the Valdez and Deepwater Horizon. SMITH-FAGAN said she would be releasing two Pelicans from treatment in the group’s hospital in San Francisco this week.

The question of “Why Did You Join Rotary” was answered by SARAH HODGE (Resource development of NeighborWorks Sacramento). HODGE was active in Interact and Ryla camp as a high school student and now enjoys joining in our club’s civic projects.
BOBBIE HALES (Partner, Gilbert CPAs) was inducted as our newest member. BOBBIE was introduced by PRESIDENT ELECT LINDA GEERY (Gilbert CPAs) and runs the firm’s nonprofit audit department.
Updating members on the 2021 Sac Century Challenge, PAST PRESIDENT SHERIDAN seeks to raise more than $100,000 to benefit the Crisis Nursery of the Sacramento Children’s Home.
CLICK HERE to make a donation. Pedal Rotarians pedal!

KATHE NATHAN (Retired banking) said 677 riders have signed up for the bicycle ride from the State Capitol through the Delta and ending with a festival on the Capitol Mall. Another 69 Challenge Champions have raised $45,000 in pledges so far. NATHAN also encouraged members to sign up online for blood donations.
In the Let’s Go For a Run announcements, GEERY donated $250 for a half marathon in honor of her friend Hales joining our club. PRESIDENT BOB gave $100 because he and his wife became godparents to an adorable baby.
STEVE HUFFMAN (Huffman Strategy), PAST PRESIDENT JIM LEET (Boutin-Jones Law), and HESTER and FOORD all felt guilty for missing Sac Century so each pledged $250 to the club. DR. BARBARA ARNOLD (Opthamologist) donated $250 directly to the Crisis Nursery and invited members to bid on her painting on KVIE’s upcoming Art Auction.
PAUL KEEFER (Executive Director, Pacific Charter Institute) noted there are 2.1 million teenagers to adults enrolled in California’s community colleges and introduced our guest speaker, Dr. Edward Bush, President of the Consumnes River College.

Guest Speaker Dr. Edward Bush
BUSH said community colleges had to figure out how to meet the needs of students as they rapidly shifted from campus classrooms to remote learning due to Covid-19.
Now their focus is on closing the gaps in achievement due to the inequity of historical barriers. Systemic racism is a pandemic-like challenge to black and Latinx students and those living in poverty or working to be able to afford tuition, books and housing.
CLICK HERE to see a recording of DR. BUSH’S timely and informative presentation.

The students at Consumnes may be faced with the question of do they buy books or groceries for their families. If today’s students aren’t able to complete their education, “The cycle of poverty will continue,” he said.
Community colleges offer groceries from the food pantry and clothes for students to wear for their first job interviews. Even donations have helped them buy or rent their gowns so their families can see them walk across the stage to get their diplomas.
Consumnes has redesigned itself so students can take the right number of classes to graduate in two years time. Some work 30 to 40 hours to support their families and can fall behind in their classes and may not graduate. With all things considered, dismantling structural racism should be a priority along with deconstructing the socioeconomic barriers that impeded on the success of marginalized groups.

If you didn’t make it to the September 21th meeting, don’t fret! You can see a recording of it by CLICKING HERE. Don’t forget to make it to the next one!
On September 21, from 12:10 PM – 1:30 PM, we will be meeting at The Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation.
9/28 Rotary Club Meeting – The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 12:10 – 1:30 PM
Speaker: Kelly Richardson—Mental Health
10/5 DARK!
10/12 Rotary Club Meeting – The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 12:10 – 1:30 PM
Speaker: Sac Century Thank You
10/19 Rotary Club Meeting – The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 12:10 – 1:30 PM
Speaker: Dwight White—Police Accountability
10/26 Brown Bag Day!
11/2 Rotary Club Meeting – The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 12:10 – 1:30 PM
Speaker: Amber Stott + Panel—Food Nonprofits