Rotary Meeting March, 8, 2022
Greetings ROTARIANS!
Written By: John Goralka (I am sorry for the delay, I injured my back which set me back ….)
March opened to a full house as we celebrated National Women’s Day! Read on to learn about the pioneering Women of the American Railroad who inspired transformational changes that we all enjoy today. PRESIDENT BOB MILLER (Vice President Business Services at First US Community Credit Union) thanked our greeters JOHN PHAIR and CLAYTON LEE who greet each Rotarian with a smile. Special thanks to our photographer JIM HENDERSON for his artistic photographic record of our festivities.

JOHN GORALKA (Attorney/President of The Goralka Law Firm) was our scribe and reporter for this event. NANCY SMITH-FAGAN (Philanthropy Manager / International Bird Rescue) was behind the bar with a radiant smile pouring some excellent wines from LANGETWINS FAMILY WINERY courtesy of our own TIM MATTHEIS. Cheers to TIM and NANCY. For more information about LANGETWINS WINERY click here http://langetwins.com

LEV KAGANOVICH (Energy, LEED & Commissioning Consulting) delivered our thought for the day.
LEV noted that for the past few months, he was constantly searching the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and American news channels and blogs trying to build a picture of what is happening in and around Ukraine.
LEV observed that, 81 Years ago, a German dictator invaded Soviet Union with the goal to demolish Soviet Army first and kill Jews. He found willing collaborators in many Eastern European countries such as Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine among others.
Now, the leftover from the former Soviet Union – the Russian Federation dictator invaded independent Ukraine and under the false pretense of denazification is bombing cities, areas around nuclear plants and even the Holocaust Memorial in Capital Kiev. The former comedian, 44 years old Jewish man and now the President of Ukraine – Zelensky was able to unite the Ukrainian people and the whole world to resist this unprovoked aggression. Along the way, President Zelensky was elected President of Ukraine with 73% voting support. His grandparents were murdered by German Nazis and now Russian dictator is killing Ukrainian people by stating that he is liberating them from Nazis. While seemingly stronger than fiction, this very real tragedy unfolds before our eyes. More than 1.7 million people already left their beloved Ukraine trying to save their families and many more are still trying to leave for safety in the free world.
Ukraine is getting political, economic and military support from the Units States and the free world. LEV asks his Rotary brothers and sisters to provide humanitarian assistance to people of UKRAINE.
LEV, with all that we see in the news today, thank you for this very timely and important reminder.

Our guests included JOHN “SPELS” LANHAM (California State Railroad Museum) , TIM SCHROEPFER (CA ST RR Museum Foundation), MEGAN VILLAPUDUA (CA ST RR Museum Foundation) , MAM STRONG , ANNETTE JUMPER (Director of Child and Family Program) , RACHEL HANN (Crisis Nursery Program Manager) , JERRY ZINK, JEAN YAKATOBE , ROBERT MIDGLEY.
A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to MEGAN WYGANT – Executive Director /CLARA Studios) who is our meeting sponsor. MEGAN provided some very important information about the critical services of CLARA STUDIOS. CLARA STUDIOS provides much needed arts education to our community.
CLARA — the E. Claire Raley Studios for the Performing Arts — is a 501(c)3 organization with a mission of providing education and resources to unleash the creative potential of local arts and culture in Sacramento. This is done by:
- Bringing arts education programs to public schools with low arts access
- Teaching professional development workshops that help adult artists further professionalize their work
- Offering low-cost rehearsal and administrative space to arts organizations in our community
- Producing showcases and other convenings which allow local artists to build community, more easily collaborate with peers, and be connected with additional artistic opportunities
CLARA’s programs provide the resources and supports necessary to keep local creative workers here at home, while also building the next generation of Sacramento’s creative thinkers.

Please see link below of Clara Studios presentation
RUTH TESAR –She slipped and fell on the ice and was in ICU. Please send a care gram and hope for a speedy recovery.
LATOYA resigned and is no longer the (Executive Director – Rotary Club of Sacramento). LATOYA looks forward to continuing her Rotary membership. LATOYA – thank you for your extraordinary efforts. Please send any potential candidates to President BOB MILLER.
Please see link below for the presentation slides.
PAST PRESIDENT SUSAN SHERIDAN provided a reminder that our own SACRAMENTO CENTURY is on October 1, 2022. (Only 197 riding days away). What beautiful weather we all have to train for the Sacramento Century.
Last year/Rotary members raised:
$21,750 – from club members – thank you DIANE MIZELL for your extraordinary effort.
$47,000 -from the Challenge Champions led by KATHE NATION. Thank you for leading the Challenge Champions.
$30,000 – raised by Corporate sponsorship. Thank you TODD KOOLAKIAN for your negotiating these contributions from our Corporate members.
ANNETTE JUMPER and RACHEL HUNN, accepted our check in the amount of $92,500 made payable to the Crisis Nursery. GREAT JOB ROTARIANS! To date this event has netted $587,000 over the past 8 years.

President BOB gave a big hello out to our guests here today from Isleton JEAN YAKOTOBE and JERRY ZINK.
JEAN YAKOTOBE and JERRY ZINK were very instrumental in paving the way so that we are able to have a lunch in Isleton to serve 400-500 riders. Jean helped with our lunch location, making a sign when it wasn’t clear to the riders where to turn. JEAN also enlisted someone to hold the sign direct the riders to make the correct turn.
Thank you both very much for all that you have done for us in Isleton.
We have been fortunate to partner with the Children’s Receiving Home. 2022 will be our 5th year to work with them to benefit the Sacramento Crisis Nursery.
Much support emails throughout the year to our list of 3500-4000 email addresses of the riders over the years, the supporters and our club members. Many volunteers and of course, our very own TODD KOOLAKIAN (Director of Philanthropy / Sacramento Children’s Home), leads the corporate sponsor drive.
Welcome to our guests from the Sacramento Children’s Home.
ANNETTE JUMPER, Director of Child and Family Programs and RACHEL HUNN, the Crisis Nursery Program Manager.

Chair of the Day DICK NOONAN
Our chair of the day introduced our speaker, HELEN ORNELLAS. HELEN is the President of ORNELLAS and ASSOCIATES INSURANCE. HELEN ORNELLAS is also an enthusiastic and passionate DOCENT at the RAILROAD MUSEUM.

“Crossing Lines: The Women of the American Railroad”
The California State Railroad Museum is the keeper of stories. We collect them, we preserve them, and we tell them to help people imagine their futures by understanding the past. Our newest exhibit highlights a group whose stories have remained in the shadows for too long – women. Women crossed lines and blazed a trail for future generations. They championed change not only for the railroad industry but for society as well.
The exhibit highlights the stories of eight women who answered the call of history and stood up to the times in which they lived.
- ANNA JUDAH married a man who planned the western route for the nation’s first Transcontinental Railroad. Instead of sitting home while he pursued his quest, she accompanied him on his treks to the Sierra and on his journeys to the east coast to meet with lawmakers.
- MODESTA AVILA stood up to the railroads when they moved into her Southern California homeland. She fought for her land, her culture, and paid a heavy price.
- JENNIE CURTIS was only nineteen years old when she inspired hundreds of women to strike against the powerful Pullman Company for better wages and working conditions.
- OLIVE DENNIS became a civil engineer when few women pursued that line of work. Olive forged her own path and made train travel a more comfortable experience for all travelers.
- ROSINA TUCKER urged Pullman Porters to join a union so they could demand better way and working conditions
- THE RAILROADETTES were the amazing women of the Southern Pacific Railroad who responded to the call to support the needs of a nation at war.
- LEAH ROSENFELD fought for equal rights, took the state of state of California and the Southern Pacific Railroad to court and WON.
- SHIRLEY BURMAN understood that women’s stories were important and needed to be documented for history.
A digital version of the exhibit is accessible at Digital Exhibits – California State Railroad Museum (californiarailroad.museum)
Please click on the links below to view the Exhibit: Crossing Lines: Women of the American Railroad
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3/18/2022 – Discovery Park 3:00PM -5:00PM -American River Parkway Cleanup
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3/29/2022 – Robert Nelson / Sac State
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04/12/2022 – Dark