One of the club’s treasured traditions was renewed at the club’s annual Daughters Day celebration.
President Todd called the meeting to order and immediately handed the gavel to Libby Rose Pavelchik, granddaughter of Roy Alexander.
President Libby applauded Elfrena Foord for beautiful holiday piano music during the wine reception. She thanked greeters Evelyn and Penelope Marshall, granddaughters of Norm Marshall.
Mila Reed (daughter of PE Bobby Reed) led the Pledge of Allegiance, and the national anthem was led by Rachel Lee (daughter-in-law of Clayton Lee). Sadie Fergusion (daughter of Bruce Hester and Elfrena Foord) delivered a Thought for the Day on gratitude.
Roving reporter Ella Keefer (daughter of sergeant-at-arms Paul Keefer) interviewed a handful of guests about their family holiday traditions.
President Libby awarded prizes to three daughters of distinction – the one who traveled furthest to attend the luncheon (Lia and Neveah Macdonell of Singapore, granddaughters of Norm Marshall), the one who has attended the most Daughters Day events (Mary Teichert, daughter of PDG Fred and Nancy Teichert), and the youngest (Cameron Burdick, grandaughter of Jim Relles), who received a handmade gift made by Robyn DeLong.
Which set the stage for some Yuletide singing. Shirlee Tully, John McIntyre and PP Kevin Smith-Fagan led the group through some carols, along the way recruiting talented performer Lia Macdonell – who quickly upleveled the trio into a quartet. Santa Claus made a surprise entrance to lead the room in Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Santa sounded a fair amount like PP Jon Snyder.
In drawing the gathering to a close, President Libby thanked the many contributors to the day’s success, in particular organizers Roy Alexander and Bruce Hester and photo booth coordinator PP Linda Geery.
Photos courtesy of John Swentowsky.